The ABC of data protection - the course recommended by DPOs

This course aims to provide - with concrete and operational indications - the instructions and behaviour to be adopted to implement processing in a GDPR-compliant manner and good security practices, taking into account the legal, technical-informatics and organisational profiles, as well as the human factor.

The course is valid for the purposes of fulfilling the training obligations under Art. 29 and Art. 39(1)(b) of the GDPR.

At the end of the course, participants will be familiar with the main aspects of data protection legislation, with particular reference to both the preparation of appropriate technical and organisational security measures necessary to prevent and minimise risks to the rights and freedoms of data subjects, and the role of the human factor in IT security.


Dr. Isabella Corradini - President and Scientific Director of Themis, socio-psychological and criminological forensic research centre

Dr. Edoardo Limone - Management consultant for ICT projects, expert in cybersecurity

Lawyer Andrea Lisi - Founder and owner of the Lisi law firm, coordinator of the professional network “D&L NET”, President of “ANORC Professioni”